This is a quick entry unless I add more later. My last post was on Day 2. Day 3 Sunday May 21 was special for me as I rode over Bear Mountain Bridge. As I ride I have some brief flashbacks of the 1st trip 42 years ago. This bridge was one of them. If you use Google Maps and the bike route suggested is to take Mine Rd shortly after crossing the bridge, don't take it unless you know the Marine Corps are not firing artillery shells and closing the road. I ended up riding up to Cornwall where I was able to charge my batteries at a restaurant. Will post about the great experience at the restaurant. The owner and staff were wonderful. After Cornwall I made it to my motel in Middletown, riding at night.
Day 4 I rode from Middletown to to Newton, NJ. On the way I got a flat front tire. Changed the innertube out and pressed on.
Today's plan is to make it to Stroudsburg, PA. Weather is perfect. Am feeling good. Will hopefully revisit this post to add photos and more details. Am actively learning about the bike and the gadgets on-board. The radar continues to be my good friend. Thank you Garmin!
Making progress. Looking forward to hearing about the restaurant experience. JC
Sounds l ike everything is working out, even with a flat tire. You are meeting some great people! MC