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Days 12 thr 17 (Tuesday, May 30th thr Sunday, Jun 4th)


Today is Sunday June 4th. I have not posted since last Tuesday. I decided to take 2 days off for rest and to spend time on the blog.

Here are the places I landed at the end of each day since Monday, Memorial Day, Day 11, May 29th:

Day 12


​May 30th

Days Inn

Blairsville, PA


Day 13


May 31st

Red Roof Plus

Monroeville, PA


Day 14


June 1st

Comfort Suites

Monaca, PA


Day 15


June 2nd

Barnetts Motel

Salem, OH

Arrived to Ohio

Day 16


June 3rd

Barnetts Motel

Salem, OH

Took day off.

(Slept a lot)

Day 17


June 4th

Barnetts Motel

Salem, OH

Took day off.

Spent time on blog.


Below: Day 12, Tuesday, May 30th - photos traveling from Altoona, PA to Blairsville, PA.


Below: Day 13, Wednesday May 31st traveling from Blairsville, PA to Monroeville, PA

If you notice the photo with the staircase, that is considered by Google maps to be a bike path. The staircase was up the side of a mountain. Steep as can be and slippery with my bike shoes. The Trek eBike is very heavy when loaded. There was no way I could climb the stairs with my bike, even if I unpacked it. Lesson learned. Spend more time on Google Maps with my personal computer to get more detailed information about "recommended" bike routes.


Below: Day 14, Thursday June 1st - traveling from Monroeville, PA to Monaca, PA.

On my way to Monaca I experienced the "share the road rule". This is when there is little or no shoulder and drivers are expected to share the road with the cyclist. I passed through these sections of road as quickly as possible and did not hesitate to use maximum battery power.


Below: Day15, Friday June 2nd - traveling from Monaca, PA to Salem, OH

I have 2 phones. The other phone has a picture of me at the Ohio border taken with the use of my tripod. I am teaching myself how to efficiently upload photos and format the posts as I go. I will get faster at this as I go. There is a way to put captions on the photos but it is time consuming.

BTW, Using Google Maps I was shown a route that a property owner claimed was private property. There was no posting of the road being private and I went on my way. An important change from 42 years ago is trespassing is a bigger deal now. It was an issue back in 1981, but there were more places to find and to stay out of trouble. My plan is to continue to use motels, campsites or other ways such as trying or

And here I used my tripod to take a selfie upon arriving at the Ohio border! Good-bye Pennsylvania! It was a challenging ride on some of the really steep hills - fortunately the weather was great the whole time from upon entering from New Jersey.

Damian seen standing next to the Trek was quite helpful allowing me to charge one of my batteries during rush hour traffic. I was treated to a "Slim Jim" and a Monster beverage. Thank you Damian. You made my arrival to Ohio a great one and I made it safe to my motel after rush hour traffic!


Day 16 Saturday, June 3rd and day 17, Sunday June 4th - at Barnetts Motel in Salem, PA resting and working on blog.

Here is some history on Salem, OH my sister looked up. Click on the part of the clipping shown to get the full story.


Here are various screenshots up to 06/04/23, taken off my Samsung Galaxy S20 phone, showing motel reservations and parts of bike routes and miscellaneous info to jog my memory.